Regenerating the agent self-signed SSL certificates v10

You need to regenerate the agent certificates and key files:

  • If the PEM server certificates are regenerated
  • If the PEM agent certificates are near expiring

You must regenerate a certificate and a key for each agent interacting with the PEM server and copy it to the agent.

Each agent has a unique identifier that's stored in the pem.agent table of the pem database. You must replace the certificate and key files with the certificate or key files that corresponds to the agent's identifier.


  • PEM server has self-signed certificates.
  • ca_certificate.crt and ca_key.key are in the data directory of the PEM backend database server.
  • ca_certificate.crt is the same as root.crt.
  • ca_certificate.crt and ca_key.key are valid SSL certificates and keys.

To generate a PEM agent certificate and key file pair:

  1. Use psql to find the number of agents and their corresponding identifiers:

    # Running as enterprisedb
    psql -p 5444 -U enterprisedb -d pem --no-psqlrc -t -A -c "SELECT id FROM pem.agent WHERE active=true"
  2. Stop all the running PEM agents:

    # Running as root
    systemctl stop pemagent

    On Windows, use the Services applet to stop the PEM agent. The PEM agent service is named Postgres Enterprise Manager Agent. In the Services dialog box, select the service name, and select Stop the service.

  3. After identifying the agents that need key files, generate an agent.key for each agent:

    openssl genrsa -out agent<ID>.key 4096

    Where ID is the agent identifier.

  4. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) for each agent:

    openssl req -new -key agent<ID>.key -out agent<ID>.csr -subj '/C=IN/ST=MH/L=Pune/O=PEM/CN=agent<ID>'

    Where CN is the agent<ID>.

  5. Use the openssl x509 command to sign the CSR and generate an agent certificate:

    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in agent<ID>.csr -CA ca_certificate.crt -CAkey ca_key.key -CAcreateserial -out agent<ID>.crt

    Where -req indicates the input is a CSR. The -CA and -CAkey options specify the root certificate and private key to use for signing the CSR.

    Before generating the next certificate and key file pair, move the agent.key and agent.crt files generated in the steps 2 and 4 on their respective PEM agent host.

  6. Change the permission on the new agent<ID>.crt and agent<ID>.key file:

    chmod 600 agent<ID>.crt agent<ID>.key
  7. Back up the old agent certificate and key files:

    mkdir root/.pem/certs
    mv root/.pem/agent<ID>.* root/.pem/certs
  8. Replace each agent's certificate and key file with the newly generated files:

    cp agent<ID>.key agent<ID>.crt root/.pem
  9. Start the PEM agent service.

    • On Linux:

      # Running as root
      systemctl start pemagent
    • On Windows: Use the Services applet to start the PEM agent. The PEM agent service is named Postgres Enterprise Manager Agent. In the Services dialog box, select the service name, and select Start the service.