Installing the PEM server and PEM-HTTPD on the same host v10

The easiest PEM server installation configuration consists of a PEM backend database server (hosted on a PostgreSQL database installed with the PEM server installer) and a PEM-HTTPD service that reside on the same host. In this configuration, the PEM server installer provides the prerequisite software for the backend host to register the service (on Windows).

  1. Invoke the PEM server installer. On a Windows system, right-click the installer icon and select Run as Administrator. The installer displays a Welcome screen. Select Next.

  2. Review the license agreement before selecting the appropriate radio button and accepting the agreement. Select Next.

  3. Use the Installation Directory dialog box to specify the location of the PEM server:

  • By default, the PEM server is installed in C:\Program Files\edb\pem on Windows. Accept the default location, or use the Installation Directory button to open a dialog box and select the directory to install the PEM server in.

  • Use the Show advanced options check box to open the Advanced Options dialog box during installation. Use the Advanced Options dialog box when installing the Postgres database server and the PEM-HTTPD on different hosts or if you want the PEM server to reside on an existing Postgres server installation.

  • To install the PostgreSQL server package with the installer and PEM-HTTPD on the same host, clear Show advanced options and select Next.

    The PEM server installer performs a preinstallation check for PEM-HTTPD, Language Pack, and PostgreSQL 13. If the installer doesn't locate these packages, it informs you in the Dependency Missing dialog box.


    By default EDB Language Pack is installed in C:\edb\languagepack\v1.

  1. If the dependencies are missing, the PEM server installer launches the respective installation wizards. Follow the wizard's onscreen directions each package.

    After installing any missing dependencies, the installation process continues by displaying the Database Server Installation Details dialog box. The information provided on the Database Server Installation Details dialog box enables the installer to connect to the PostgreSQL server.

  2. Provide the user name and password of a database superuser. After supplying the requested information, select Next.

  3. After providing the name and password of the Postgres database superuser, you might be prompted for the password to the user account under which the PEM agent will run. If prompted, provide the password, and select Next.

  4. Use the Network Details dialog box to specify the CIDR-style network address from which the PEM agents will connect to the server (the client-side address).

    You can specify the address of a network host or a network address range. For example, if you want to monitor database servers with the addresses,, and, enter to allow connections with hosts in that network.

    The specified address is added to the server's pg_hba.conf file. You can specify more network addresses by manually adding entries to the pg_hba.conf file on the PostgreSQL server. Use the first entry as a template.

    After you add the network address, select Next.

    The PEM server installer installs a PEM agent on the host where the server resides to monitor the server and provide alert processing and garbage collection services. A certificate is also installed in the location specified in the Agent certificate path field.

  5. Enter an alternate description or select an alternate agent certificate path for the PEM agent, or accept the defaults. Select Next.

  6. You must enter your organization details to be used in SSL certificates generated by PEM.

  7. The wizard is now ready to install the PEM server. Select Next to continue with the installation.

    During the installation process, the installer copies files to the system and sets up the database and web services required to run PEM. When the installation completes, a confirmation indicates that:

    • The web service was configured.
    • The web service is listening on port 8443.
    • The pem database was created and configured.
  8. Select OK.